LinkedIn ads for businesses can help you connect with customers and employees or future employees worldwide. LinkedIn offers a professional platform that allows individuals and businesses to network and grow professionally. If you have been considering LinkedIn ads for your eCommerce business, keep reading to learn more.

What are LinkedIn Ads?

LinkedIn Ads can be an effective paid marketing tool that utilizes the social networks within the LinkedIn platform to help companies build B2B connections, follow up leads, develop online recognition, spread brand awareness, and share content. LinkedIn Ads consist mainly of sponsored posts, however, there are a few other methods of advertising through LinkedIn that companies have found to be effective. LinkedIn is not only for building B2B connections and spreading brand awareness in the professionals market, it can be used to increase sales, find new talent, and be part of the social media scene for any given industry you choose to be a part of. By utilizing LinkedIn, a company, small business, or individual can grow their professional presence and image online naturally and organically.

Why should an e-commerce business consider using  LinkedIn ads?

If you have an eCommerce business, you may want to consider using LinkedIn Ads to generate leads, recruit new employees, increase sales, and connect to other businesses within your industry. Connecting to other businesses within your industry could prove beneficial to help create future partnerships and mutually beneficial transactions. Additionally, LinkedIn Ads can be used to connect to your target audience within the professionals market. LinkedIn as a platform hosts more than 575 million professionals worldwide. Aside from the previously mentioned uses of LinkedIn Ads, generating leads, recruiting employees, increasing sales, and connecting to other businesses within your industry, there are other benefits that we should examine a little deeper. 

  • Engagement:  LinkedIn is a platform that allows your brand and/or company to market the people behind the brand rather than specific products and/or services. A LinkedIn business profile allows a brand to engage with followers, potential clients, and potential partners, while at the same time expanding a business through finding new talent and marketing a company. By promoting your brand through LinkedIn Ads, you can build business connections while giving potential customers and/or business partners an introductory glimpse into your brand’s business story and/or mission statement rather than simply promoting a product or service. 
  • SEO: Since LinkedIn business profiles are extremely authoritative in the Google algorithm, having a profile for your business can have a strong impact on your search engine optimization. When you link your business website on your LinkedIn profile, it can help your business reach better rankings in Google search results. This can help bring your website up from deep in the search results to hopefully in the first few pages of results. 
  • Access: The LinkedIn platform is a network of professionals that is home to almost 575-million users. The LinkedIn professional network can give your brand access to a great number of people to introduce your brand to. LinkedIn also allows a business to easily research and identify companies that they may want to establish direct contact with. The platform can also help businesses follow industry leaders who may host conferences, offer access to educational seminars, and who can offer guidance either directly or indirectly. Access is also about generating leads through the LinkedIn platform by networking within different communities, answering inquiries and giving advice to other businesses within a given industry, and by demonstrating your expertise and extensive knowledge regarding topics that concern your industry. 
  • Content creation: There is a plethora of amazing content on LinkedIn. From presentations to in-depth blog posts to educational seminars and infographics, LinkedIn is an excellent resource for learning more about trends within your industry. Additionally, if you are able to create compelling content yourself, then you can help establish your brand and/or company as an authoritative figure in your industry. LinkedIn provides an atmosphere that fosters the exchange of knowledge and interactions. Additionally, LinkedIn allows you to keep up on all the latest news concerning your industry through the content that is created by other businesses. 
  • A platform to display your business story: If you are looking for a place to showcase your business story or mission statement, LinkedIn can provide you with the perfect platform to do so. A LinkedIn business account is similar to a business card. What is it that you want people to know about your business? Do you want them to know your origin story? Maybe you would like to share your business’s community engagement and general ethos? LinkedIn is an excellent platform to display your business story and the reasons why your business does what it does. 

These are just a few of the many reasons why creating a LinkedIn business profile is an intelligent move for any eCommerce business looking to spread its brand awareness and establish connections within its industry. 

Types of LinkedIn Ads

Once you have created a LinkedIn business profile for your eCommerce business, you can begin to use LinkedIn Ads to create content to increase brand awareness, among many things. Here are some of the main types of LinkedIn Ads that are used on the platform.

  • Text ads: Text ads are an excellent tool if you have a tight marketing budget. Text Ads are displayed along the top and right-hand side of the desktop feed of the intended audience.
    Sponsored content: LinkedIn sponsored content can come in the form of carousel ads, single image ads, or video ads. These sponsored content ads will show up in the LinkedIn feed of your intended audience. 
  • Sponsored messaging: Sponsored messaging lets you create carousel, single image, or video ads that are sent directly to the inboxes of your intended audience. 

These are just three of the main types of LinkedIn Ads that can be used on the platform. Additionally, there are a few other options including dynamic ads. Dynamic ads show up on the right-hand side of a user’s feed and the ads are personalized for the user.

How to use LinkedIn ads for ecommerce businesses

Once you have created a LinkedIn business account,  the first step is to sign up for the LinkedIn campaign manager. After you sign up for the campaign manager, then it is time to create your first campaign. First, you will need to set a clear objective. For example, you can choose from objectives such as brand awareness, website visits, engagement, video views, lead generation, website conversion, or job applicants. After your objective is set, then you need to determine who your target audience will be. You can choose your target demographic by setting a location, language, age range, gender, education level, job experience, and interests. You can even target a specific group within a specific company or industry. Next, pick the format in which you would like to advertise. This is where you choose between sponsored content, sponsored messaging, text, or dynamic ads. Next, create a budget and a schedule. For the budget, you can put on ad spending limits that are daily, campaign total, a combination of daily and campaign total limits, lifetime limit, or a combination of daily and lifetime.  For the schedule, you can choose the dates that your ad campaign will begin and end. Lastly, you will then set up how you would like to track the performance of the ad. Tracking performance can help you make future ad campaign decisions. In a nutshell, these are the most basic steps of creating a LinkedIn Ads marketing campaign. 

How to run an effective LinkedIn ads campaign

One of the most effective ways to create a LinkedIn ads campaign is to create compelling, creative, and engaging content in combination from using the built-in tools that LinkedIn already provides. The campaign manager tool allows you to get very specific about who you would like to target and how much money you would like to spend promoting content. That is the easy part. The LinkedIn Ads campaign tool is effective and efficient in its design, however, if you create uninteresting content, then it does not matter how many people see your advertisement, it will not engage. This is where investing in employing the services of an expert content creator can go a long way to ensure that you are running the most effective LinkedIn Ads campaign possible.

Learn about Kickfurther

As you grow your eCommerce business, you may encounter cash flow problems. If you do, this is probably a high quality problem, especially once you discover affordable inventory financing at Kickfurther. Kickfurther specializes in providing inventory financing for small businesses. We connect brands to a community of eager buyers who help fund the inventory on consignment and give brands the flexibility to pay that back as they receive cash from their sales. This alleviates the cash-flow pinch that lenders can cause without customized repayment schedules, allowing your brand to scale quickly without impeding your ability to maintain inventory or financial flexibility.

Take your eCommerce business to the next level. . . visit Kickfurther today!

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