Tough Times Call For Creative Funding—Check Out Kickfurther’s Clever Model
“[Kickfurther] is offering funding at a critical juncture in a venture’s maturation”
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“[Kickfurther] is offering funding at a critical juncture in a venture’s maturation”
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“On Kickfurther, businesses ask backers to fund their inventory in exchange for a consigned rate. If the funding goal is met, Kickfurther buys the inventory and gives it to the business. The business then sells it, returning a percentage to the backers every month depending on the inventory sold.”
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“When it comes to funding inventory, retail businesses can be creative, using loans, credit cards, supplier terms, and even advances from family. Whatever the method, however, raising the money can be a challenge.
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“[Kickfurther] had a huge year in 2021, raising $5.9 million … tripling its team to about 40 people and increasing revenue by 50%.”
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